Shooting BOT: Frequently Asked Questions

How often does In-Stock data update?

It varies. We work like Google to index sites, but we focus on specific items. The key items that sell out the fastest (primers and some powder) we try to update within 2 minutes on average.
shootingBot is a web-crawler so we get data quickly, but very mindful not to slam the merchant sites either.

Why did your site send me an alert for something that wasn't in stock?

False-positives are possible, but rare. Popular items like primers sell out < 2 minutes, sometimes seconds. You probably just got there too late. But, if you think you found a bug, report it on the Bugs/Features page. For more info, this page explains how to verify alerts using the server log data: History Logs

How do I setup TEXT messages?

To keep text messages free, we route through their SMS gateway address. Basically, the phone can get text messages via an email format.

If you go to your Settings page you can check the box for text messages and enter your mobile text msg address.
You can get alerts via email, text, or Telegram app. (Telegram is the fastest).

How do I "unsubscribe" from Notifications?

You can turn off individual alerts on the item-list pages or your My Alert Items.
Or, you can turn off all notifications on your settings page

  • If you reply to a text msg with "STOP" that will unsub you from texts
  • Every email has a manage AND unsubscribe link
  • So you have plenty of options... But if you get lazy and just mark us as "spam" instead, your account is permanently shut down.

Canada or any other countries?

We are only pulling data from U.S. based retailers. Sorry about that. At some point may add others for non-U.S. reloaders, but we have not done that yet.

Have a question?

If you have a question, use the comments to ask it.
If it turns out to be a common question, I will add it to the FAQ